What is the hearing condition of a normal person?

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Human hearing range is explained as the level of pitch and loudness a person can hear before experiencing discomfort. There are a variety of sounds in our living environment, ranging from subtle sounds such as chirping birds and rustling leaves, to more harsh sounds such as music, shouting and industrial noise. This range of human hearing is called the auditory response range.

What is the hearing condition of normal people?

Human ears cannot hear all sounds in the universe, but there is a certain range, the average is 0-25 decibels. People with normal hearing will not find it difficult to listen to speech in daily life and work. If they can hear an average conversation from a distance of 6 meters, the hearing level is within 10 decibels.

Normal people’s hearing should be around 0~20, and the ears will have a decibel value. If the decibel value is exceeded, it will cause damage to the eardrum and hearing. Influenced.

During the inspection, the inspection range is usually 250-800 Hz. In this range, sounds within 25 decibels can be heard and can be regarded as normal. If it is 26-40 dB, it is mild hearing loss, 41-55 dB is moderate hearing loss, 56-70 dB is moderate to severe hearing loss, 71-85 dB is severe hearing loss, and if it exceeds 85 dB, It is extremely severe hearing loss.

In daily life, we often hear about problems related to hearing loss and deafness, but many people don’t know whether their hearing is normal. This time involves hearing standards, so what are the ear hearing standards?

1. What are the ear hearing standards?
Generally, the average speech hearing threshold of pure tone audiometry is used as the judgment standard for hearing tests. Our country conducts pure tone audiometry tests with pure tones of three frequencies, namely 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz. If the hearing range is between 25 and 40 decibels, it is considered mild deafness, between 41 and 55 decibels is moderate deafness, between 56 and 70 decibels is moderately severe deafness, between 71 and 90 decibels is severe deafness, and above 90 decibels is extreme deafness. In other words, normal hearing should be less than 25 decibels.

  2. How to test ear hearing standards
1. Ring a bell
When the child is awake, adults can shake the bell 10 to 15 cm behind their ears, but they cannot see it. Brass bell. At this time, you need to observe the child's status to see if it stops moving immediately or blinks. If the above reaction occurs, it means that the hearing is basically normal. If there is no reaction, it means that the hearing is abnormal.
2. Slap
Adults need to slap their hands violently about one meter away from the child to see if the child will immediately stop moving or blink or startle after hearing the sound. If there is such a reaction, it means that the hearing is normal. If not, then it should be considered that there is abnormal hearing.

3. How to judge whether hearing is normal? Self-test method:
1. You can hear the sound, but not clearly;
2. It is difficult to hear the sound in a noisy environment;
3. Only when facing the speaker, you to understand clearly;
4. You feel that others are mumbling or unclear;
5. You must ask others to repeat some content;
6. You must turn up the TV volume Go to a bigger position than others;
7. You find that you cannot understand the topic of the conversation and often answer questions incorrectly;
8. You find it difficult to attend meetings, go to public places or family gatherings;
> 9. You cannot hear phone calls and doorbells unless you are very close;
10. You feel a sound, buzzing or ringing in your head (tinnitus).

If you have the above situation, it is likely that your hearing has declined, and you should go to the hospital for treatment in time.

Clinically, patients’ hearing loss can be neurological, conductive, or mixed. It may be neurological deafness, otitis media, or tympanic membrane. Hearing loss may occur due to perforation and other related diseases. Patients with hearing loss must be detected early and given symptomatic treatment.

Hearing health care and prevention, retest your hearing every 3 months to half a year, or when your hearing suddenly decreases, you should have your hearing tested in time. Hearing loss is generally divided into three types: conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, mixed hearing loss. When hearing loss affects our lives and work, timely intervention is necessary.